Smokey Bones Logo.Smokey Bones is a relatively new company that seeks to provide quality barbeque to people in a number of different states. Though many companies like Smokey Bones got their start much earlier, this is one that has been able to grow and expand in the short time since its founding in 1999. Then, it was begun in Orlando, Florida by Darden Restaurants. Though it is still headquartered in Orlando today, the chain has expanded to include many more cities and states through America. At the current time, there are 68 locations located in 17 states. The company has sustained itself by providing not only quality food, but also a quality atmosphere to go along with it.

The company’s mission is to provide something of a rustic feel, which is why it uses so much wood in its restaurants. It is a mountain themed restaurant, but there is a bit of a twist. Lately, they have changed up a little bit to get more technological. The restaurants feature televisions throughout, especially in the bar area where people can watch sports or whatever else is on. One of the cool things about Smokey Bones restaurants is that they have little personal audio boxes for each table, so that each dinner party can control what they listen to and how loud it is.

If you are going to be using Smokey Bones coupons, then you need to know what they are famous for. As an old, southern barbeque restaurant, you cannot go wrong when you look for the ribs or the straight barbeque. This is their staple, and they have wood smoked selections, as well. Lately, things have changed a little bit on the menu, as they don’t emphasize the barbeque quite as much. They have added a smoked grill menu, where patrons can get things like fish, chicken, and steak all grilled. This “smoky” grill selection is a part of what makes Smokey Bones special and it is something to consider when you are using those Smokey Bones coupons.

Additionally, this restaurant is known for its inviting feel and the quality of its service. Smokey Bones prides itself on having friendly, qualified servers, which is a bit different than what many companies do today. It is a place where you can feel as if you have just walked into an old mountain lodge for a vacation. That is something that can’t be ordered on the menu with Smokey Bones coupons, but it’s something that is offered to each and every person who comes into the restaurant.

The most popular location, without question, is the Waterford Lakes location right in Orlando. This is where the company was founded, so they take great pride in making this location the finest of any across the country. There are many reasons why this location is good, one of which is the fact that it has recently been remodeled. It was changed to reflect the company’s focus, which is now on providing a total experience. They added many nice, flatscreen televisions to this location, which helped bring in more people to use their Smokey Bones coupons. Other locations across Florida also get a lot of traffic, as it really has a strong customer base there.

During the winter months, Smokey Bones does a lot to promote its festive atmosphere. They have Christmas decorations during December, which helps to make the place that much more inviting. They also offer Smokey Bones coupons during those months to help people enjoy the restaurant at a discount. They have a Thanksgiving menu for people to choose from, as well, which is popular with people on vacation or just passing through.

If you are truly looking for the best possible Smokey Bones coupons, then you will need to utilize a couple of different sources. You will need to start by looking on the internet, where you’ll have some options. You could use a coupon site like Mahalo, but that’s probably not the best choice. One good choice for Smokey Bones coupons is their official website, believe it or not. They offer good deals right there that might let you take 20% off of your bill or maybe provide you with a free appetizer.