About Me

Thanks for visiting my humble weight loss blog πŸ™‚

This site was originally started in 2004 by my son, who went on to lose 40 pounds in 2 months right before he met his wonderful wife. Though contentment + happiness has made him more comfortable, and led him to gain some of his weight back. But after he lost weight he decided that it didn’t make much sense for him to run the blog anymore, and so he passed it onto me – his mom who has a history of gaining and losing weight at various points throughout her life.

I was reading a post on iportion’s blog which I read regularly. It got me thinking….who am I?

In my high school English class,we were required to write a paper about ourselves. My paper was titled, “The Facets of My Life”. It’s strange I can remember that while forgetting things that happened yesterday.

I am still all those things today, I was 38 years ago. I am a daughter. (Roles have changed…I now care for my mom) I am a student. (learned from parents and books when young, learning more now through life application/observation) I am a teacher. (As a child I taught acrobats to kids I babysat. I also tutored. As an adult, I have taught my children intangible values and their abc’s. I’ve taught large and small classes for my company.) I am a counselor. (As a child, I’d try to make a friend feel better when their feelings got hurt or when the block bully would start a fight. As an adult, I have my formal education in this field. I still deal with people and their feelings.)I am a traveler.(As a child, I went on vacation every year with my parents. As an adult, I still go on vacation every year. The only difference….I get to pick the place and time.)I am a knitter. (A neighbor taught me when I was about 6. I still knit today.)

There are so many facets to my life. It’s like the light that passes through the prisms in a diamond. Always changing…but still the same.

I like to spend a lot of my time helping out charities – like working at the local gift shop in the local hospital and helping out at church. We have 4 wonderful dogs, and I am blessed to have a loving husband. I also help take care of my mother and live with one of my sons.

I tend to work out & lose weight in spurts and have been trying to live a better day to day lifestyle with slower but sustained weight loss. Outside of losing weight, playing with the dogs, and relaxing with family at home, probably my favorite thing to do is go hunting for deals. I buy lots of groceries from the local bent & dent store, buy in bulk when a really good deal is available, and am an avid lover of coupons. πŸ˜€

Thanks again for reading, and if you would like to contact me please email me at christina1951[aT}gmail(dot)com

3 Responses to “About Me”
  1. Josh says:

    Really enjoying your blog, I recently lost 60lbs myself on HCG. Keep up the informative posts

  2. Justin says:

    I have just started my own weight loss journey after years of personal neglect and emotional eating I decided it was time to get off my backside and start doing something about it. It’s been a tough journey so far and every day I am reading other peoples blogs and looking for inspiration.

    I have bookmarked and subscribed to your blogs RSS feed and I will be coming back here often to find tips, advice and inspiration.

    RGS. Justin

  3. Joe Ann says:

    Hi There,

    My name is Joe Ann, I really liked a few articles on your site.

    I was wondering if you would allow me to embed a couple of articles from your site on one of my domain? You would get credited for all sales and all revenues. I might just get a few leads from the overlaid pop-up box.

    I’m going to drive traffic to your content using FB ads, you’ll get entire page vision and the benefit of all the traffic.

    Just wanted to check out that this is ok with you πŸ™‚

    Joe Ann

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