A few years ago, L A Weight Loss was divide in half with one owner taking control of all corporate owned and operated centers which were called LA Weight Loss Centers, Inc. The other half became the franchisor of the franchised owned centers. It appears that during the past three years, the two separate companies have grown in different directions with obvious different program changes. For this reason, the corporate owned and operated centers have changed their name to Pure Weight Loss.
According to Pure Weight Loss, by changing their name, they now have complete control over their brand and reputation. They chose “Pure” because they felt it reprsents their focus and mission to offer healthy and effective weight loss programs to the public.
Pure Weight Loss is one of the largest weight loss companies. They claim to have over 400 centers through out the country. They claim to have helped over a million people lose and maintain their weight for the past 18 years. They accomplished this through customized meal plans, and a balanced food program, along with one-on-one weight loss counseling.
I went to Pure Weight Loss to see what the new site looked like. (The site no longer exists 01/03/08.) There is a place to put in your zip code. When I did that, it took me to a site called L A Weight Loss. I sure found that rather odd. It looks like perhaps they don’t have all their ducks in a row yet. I’m sure it is quite an undertaking, changing names with all their stores. I’m wondering though, is it that hard to change the name on a website?
Like Shakespeare said, “What’s in a name that ……..” If it successfully helps a person lose weight……who really cares what it’s called. It must be all about the money…..you think?
I do not care what the company has changed it’s name to, it still has shady practices with their clients and treats their employees rather badly. So the turn over will remain very high on both accounts. And to actually think about it that is one of the main reasons their clients will never receive the level of customer service they advertise. A person loses weight when they are ready and if you are not ready, no amount of motivation, money spent or supplements taken will do the job for you. Then once you are ready any decent program will work, it’s keeping it off that becomes the real challenge.
I agree whole-hearted with you in regards to a person “being ready” in order for any program to work. I have never used their services and did not know about their practices. Thanks for sharing that with me and the other readers. Hopefully it’s isolated to the particular one you worked with/used. I hate seeing people get taken. It happens way too much in the weight loss field.
I don’t like that la weight loss forces you to buy a year plan.
I just saw an ad for Pure Weight Loss, and noticed the logo looked almost the same as LA Weight Loss. Then I did a little research and discovered they are one in the same. Whatever the differences are between franchise and corporate, the scripts and sales practices are almost identical. The only real difference is the amount of pressure the franchise owner puts on his/her staff to sell stuff. I used to work for LA Weight Loss, and trust me when I tell you to be very careful if you decide to give them a try.
The assumption is that when a person decides to call or visit a center, something triggered them that day – you might have reached your breaking point, you’re sick and tired of feeling sick and tired, etc. Once you get in the door, they will try EVERYTHING to get you to sign up. As a counselor, I was fine with telling people about the program and introducing them to how it works, but I let someone walk out the door to sleep on it (makes sense to me, considering the cost and commitment). You’d have thought I had just committed a crime, the way I was reprimanded. If I’d spend more than 10 minutes with a client on a weekly visit, I was also reprimanded. Needless to say, I didn’t last long there. When I put in my notice, I learned that I was about to be written up for low sales #s.
The poor reputation they have cultivated has been earned by both franchise and corporate centers (I worked for corporate).
It’s too bad, because it isn’t a bad plan – it’s based in reality, easy to follow, and when followed, 2 lbs a week is pretty average. BUT, not only do you have to be really ready, you have to give your trust to these strangers in lab coats, that they are going to support you. At first it’s exciting – after trying for years to do it alone, this really appeals. But a person can tell when their “support system” is just trying to sell them stuff. And anyone looking for reasons to quit will easily find them here. The one thing that more or less guarantees you keep coming is the amount of money you’ve invested. Even then, people quit, just sucking up the loss of hundreds of dollars. Bad. As a company, they could do SO much better by their clients. They make plenty of money, so to ease up on the slimy sales tactics is definitely an option. They just don’t want to.
If you decide to do it anyway, read all the fine print, really scope out the staff and ask for people you like, insist on purchasing on your terms (you can buy the bars every week, no matter what they tell you), and wait, if you can, until they are running $3/week specials. Also, I’d recommend signing up for a smaller program – even if you want to lose 50 lbs (or whatever) start with 15 lbs to see if this is a doable program for you.
Thanks for sharing that information. Nothing like to trying to get to someone when they are so vunerable. I’m shaking my head at such tactics.
I want to say I am a manager for one of the Pure weight loss centers located here in Texas. My view on this whole situation is isn’t ANY company after your money? I mean really any plcae has to make a profit and I will not feel bad because I am HELPING my clients to lose weight!! It is an investment yes but it is an investment on yourself and on your health!! I do not tell anyone any LIES I am very honest with how we work and if you do not need a product I will not offer it to you but if I feel you really need a product a tool…. to help keep the weigh toff then I am only selling it to help those who NEED THE HELP!! any job in the weightloss field or any sales field retail field require you to make a PROFIT after all isn’t that what a business does. I for one Love helping my clients reach their goals and I love what I do it is a wonderful thing to lay your head down at night knowing you truly have helped that someone who needs to be motivated in some form or fashion… Slaming Pure Weightloss is not a solution they are indeed a great company to work for.
Chris, not sure if you’d like to give people a heads up if possible, but I hear Eastern Washington state LA Weight Loss centers will be closing. People should try and get their money back while they can.
I have read a lot of negative comments throughout the Internet on LA Weight Loss and Pure Weight Loss. I signed up with LA Weight Loss 6 years ago and lost 30 lbs. before becoming pregnant. I have used the program after having each of my children (I have three), and lost 30 lbs. every time — right now I’m on the program and have lost 20 lbs. in almost 3 months. I lose the weight even faster if I follow the program 100%, but sometimes I have my moments and deviate by eating too much. The program is a well-balanced meal plan in which you don’t have to exercise to lose weight (even though we know you’re healthier if you do have some activity).
There is no way I could have lost the weight without the support and help of the counselors in my centers. I know the plan and should be able to follow it every time without returning to the center, but I don’t do it unless I’m accountable to someone else. My husband supports me, but being accountable to him just isn’t the same.
Some of the centers around the country probably are shady and bad places to work (I think you can get that with any type of company, depending on who the leadership is), but the centers I have gone to in Nebraska have been great. The counselors are very friendly supportive, and not pushy. I swear by the program.
My advice is to check it out for yourself.
I’m glad you found a center that was honest and helpful. Congratulations on your weight loss. People will be glad to hear there are still honest ones out there. What town is your LA weight loss center located in? I’m sure there are many readers that would like to check it out.
I also am a former employee of this shady establishment and my guess for the name change is to give them a new, fresh face so they can continue to take advantage of people without the negative baggage of LA. The guy who heads this organization has a history of doing this…he keeps changing the name and re-doing the business. I think they are barely staying one-step ahead of the law.
Inside…it is a scary place…their “required” foods are not healthy and even contain ingredients that help the food to become habit forming. Thier “counselors” are trained to be professional SALES sharks…
When I worked for them, I really wanted to help people and use my professional skills. I never experienced such an unethical, manipulative management and practices in 20+ years career. It is sad.
I used LA Weight Loss three years ago. I lost a little over 20lbs over a three month period. I’m actually thinking about going back to the program because I know I will lose the weight. I would tell anyone who is thinking about trying this program be prepared to fork over a little over $1000 for the plan. I have used Weight Watchers as well, but I’m not disciplined enough for their program. I like the fact that I’m responsible to someone else. And the money I have paid makes me responsible to myself to get my money’s worth of weight loss. As for the customer service aspect. I had some good and bad counselors at the center I worked with three years ago. Their job is to sell the program and track your progress. You can meet with a nutritionist via an appointment if you need to. I like the structure of the program but the customer service could be better. It’s not WW when it comes to customer service. Good luck.
I currently work for la weight loss and have personally been able to help hundreds of people lose weight and become happier with there lives. I have seen people be shady and get fired for that. The centers I have worked for have all been very ethical. I have been with the company for 4 years and have worked at several centers in my local area. People who feel ripped off or say the program didn’t work is because they did not follow it!
I worked for LA Weight Loss about four years ago. They pay their staff a minimal amount for a position that requires motivation and dedication. It takes trust from a client to confide in a staff member about something as personal as weight loss. Many times weight loss/gain is due to emotional issues. There is nothing worse than finding a person that you trust and then they are gone.
Colleen, for what the company charges customers, you think they could pay the employees a decent wage. I imagine both customers and employees are frustrated over $$$$$.
If it’s the Corporate stores trying to control their image, it needs to start with the practices and performances of their business. Changing their name won’t do squat if they don’t change the unhealthy diet plan AND the unethical way they sell it. The Corporate stores have been the direct target of multiple state Attorney General rulings against them, but they continue to claim it is the franchise stores breaking the law!! It isn’t. The Corporate stores are constantly in trouble for misleading and unfair practices. Search the internet for what happened in Australia when they tried to bring this plan there.
LA Weightloss, now known as PUR Weightloss continues to be a basically good diet program that shoves the plan down your throat and makes a person feel that if they don’t buy all the products they aren’t giving themselves a chance. You can do very well by following their diet plan all by itself. The trainings the counselors receive are good; but the company is after improving their bottom line – it’s the $$$ they want. Employees work long, hard hours and most are now being cheated of the pittances they earn for getting people to sign up.
The company sounds like it’s going downhill fast. The turnovers in recent weeks in their corporate structure and the day to day changes that they are making seem to indicate a company in deep financial trouble.
Don’t put your money where it won’t do you any good! Go online and get the glycemic index diet – that’s the new diet PUR is pushing anyway, and you can get it for free!!
If you want to lose weight, eat right and exercise; fancy pills and bars aren’t going to do it for you!
I quit my diet plan at LA Weight Loss about a month ago because I found out I was lied to. My husband works for UPS and they (LA) claimed there was a fire there which is why I had gone over a week without being able to pick up any of my LA Lites that I spent so much money on. There was no fire at UPS. I’m not sure why they would lie about it but that was enough to make me quit. I haven’t tried to get a refund, I would rather just stay away from the place. I don’t feel comfortable confiding in people that lie to me.
I received an email from a former employee of LA Weight Loss. She said Luna Bars are equatible to the LA Lite bars. In fact, she stated they are better. They are also cheaper. Although you have quit the program, you might still want to try these bars if you are working on your own program.
I joined LA Weight Loss last August even thouhh I new it would be expensive. I had a counselor who was very honest about the program and the cost and products despite what his supervisor would have liked him to say. Eveything was going well up until February of this year. I went into the center for my weekly check in on a Thursday, only to find out that they would be closing the center down for good on Saturday. Needless to say I was pretty upset. I felt as if they tried to get as much money as they could from that area and then left. There was no notice or anything! They did give me some of my money back but they don’t give you back the money you put up for lites, even though they were pre-paid!!! I let it go then but now I’ve seen these commercials for Pure Weightloss and their logo looks way too much like LA’s. I went online to check it out because I would like to get back on some kind of program and it is the same damn company!!! To make matters worse, when I did a search to find out if there was a center in my area, they have the same address as the LA center that closed down and was supposed to not open back up. I was told that if I wanted to continue the program that I would have to go to the next closest center which was too far for me to be able to get there and continue working the same schedule. The whole point of this program is that it works with your schedule. I’m really upset that they closed down wiyh no notice only to open back up with a new name! You would think that they would at least try to retain some of theur previous clientele by informing them of the new name!
I loved the program! I lost 120 lbs in about eight months. I did not do the whole year of maintenance which they do suggest and I gained all but 10 lbs back. I have now come back to the progam because everything else I tried was just to hard for me. The program now is so much better because it’s less restrictive and I can eat more. No it is not the cheapest thing but I’m worth it. I love the people who work there and I feel that they really care for me. I would suggest the lites because I always lose more while I’m eating them. I hope this helped someone.
I paid for a year with LA Weight loss. After six month they had the name change to Pure. Three weeks later they closed the center where I was going and said I could call them for consultation. I ask for a refund, I ask ever week for 3 weeks, talked to 5 different girls, all just say they don’t give refunds. I ask to speak to a manager, they all refused to connect me to one. I’m sure there are many others out there with the same problem. Maybe we should get togather and speak to them as a group?
Ken, It appears from several messages I have received from clients, it’s next to impossible to get a phone number for their headquarters. I’d suggest calling the Better Business Bureau. Perhaps they can put you on the right track.
I just went into the center in New Jersey today and was told that Pure Weightloss is “going out of business as of 1/04/08” and that the only “refund” that I’m entitled to is for that of the bars that they owe me. I was one of the stupid ones and paid for all my bars upfront. I’m owed over 40 boxes. There’s a form that needs to be filled out and they say it takes 8 weeks…by then they will probably be long gone with my bars and money.
I was very dissappointed with my experience with LA Weight Loss. I was not happy with the program as a whole and really did not see how the bars were curving my hunger pangs. I did lose weight but I credit my gym visits more than the program itself. The counselors for the most part were money hungry scoundrels. They constantly pushed their products on you. I later found out that they work on commission. I did end up getting a refund back from them but it took so long. I filed and got responses back from the attorney general’s office and the better business bureau before I received my refund. I would not count on receiving a refund in 15 days and it clearly spells out on the contract. I came across some decent counselors but overall they are just like you and I, working people. They have limited training and can’t answer simple weight loss questions and they are supposed to help you lose weight. The eating aspect of the program is great but I don’t see the use of the bars. Weight Watchers is a better program because of its flexilbility and overall better staff. Good luck to everyone trying to lose weight and stay clear of the alias pure weight loss.
I joined LA Weight Loss 4/06. I did very well and lost a total of 31 lbs.
2 weeks ago I purchased 1 year of maintenance and a bulk of bars.
I went to the center in Lynbrook, NY today and it was completely closed up. I was told by a reliable source that they went out of business and let all of their employees go last week. I tried to call another location – no answer. I tried to go to their website – not available.
What happened?? Does anyone really know? I just made a $300.00 purchase 2 weeks ago.
the company has gone out of business from my knowledge as I am a former emmployee. The bars were a great help and there are alternate items that you can use to replace the bars just make sure they are low in sodium sugar carbs and fat. Obviously high in protein. Compare to your boxes with the nutrient information. I am so sorry for everyone who has invested into this program and not received what they have asked for. Best advice send a certified letter to corporate asking for a refund with a copy of your contract (god hope that you still have it). Hopefully they can at least refund some of your money. If you don’t hear from them contact a lawyer for a free consultation to see what they have to say. I believe a lot of the clients are upset and there will be some type of lawsuit for all the clients who didn’t receive what they were told they would. If anything contact your credit card companies to get reimbursed stating you didn’t receive product that you purchased because legally I believe that’s some type of fraud on Pure Weight Loss’s behalf. Hope this helped.
Hi, I joined LA Weight Loss August
2007 and it is true that they have filed Bankruptcy, closing all doors
January 4th, But trust me when I say NO ONE will be getting their
lite bars….I was fortunate enough to take the chocolate shakes in place of the bars and the only money that I lost was the weeks that I paid for, which I paid for up to the first week of April 2008….so I am only losing like 85 dollars…Now my question
is, does anyone know what color booklet you are suppose to be following AFTER the PURPLE booklet?
Seems like the girl at my center
changed me to the YELLOW booklet and NOW I am not losing the weight.
I think it is to much food for what
I need to keep losing. She then
gave me the GREEN booklet to follow
AFTER I get to 137 lbs….have I been sabbatoged in my weight loss?
Did she give me the WRONG Booklet
to be vindictive?? wish I had some
answers to this.. I have lost almost 40 lbs and over 22 inches
since August 28…this was really
a good plan to be on,. I was never hungry…I hope that someone will
open up a new weight loss center that is very similar to LA Weight
Loss/PUREWEIGHT LOSS….it was a
healthy plan…I plan to continue
this way of eating because I haven’t this good in a long time..
Hope someone can answer my questions about the color booklet
I should now be on…I am going to
try the Luna Bars in place of the
lite bars when I run out of those.
I understand they are very similar
to the lite bars….
I’m a little upset and angry! I use to go to my center 3 times a week I was 10lbs to my goal. And all of a sudden new employees in our Texas Center come in. Lack of motivation, knowledge and over all not fun. Then the supervisor,Laura is stationed and myself and other clients gather in the lobby and we just don’t care for her attitude or the way she looks at us or how she’s always pushing for money and she is a liar. Since she’s been here in Texas we have lost great counselors that keep us in track. I can honestly say that 19 clients of La Weight Loss in Texas do the program on our own, she is always busy, never around when it comes to a refund never returns or answers her cellphone. Who in the hell hired a person like her to be a supervisor! Who can we call to complain about her? She is a evil person! Any suggestions? I’m also concerned about our center in Texas closing…is it? That way us all will pick up the rest of our merchandise!
la weight loss in south texas are they closing? Things in Mcallen look very weird with a staff that is incapable of doing visits you can tell that those so called couselors(children) don’t know what they are doing let alone their supervisor who is Laura shes the icing on the cake the dumb leading the dumb. we have comfronted the employee on her . who do we complain?
Just a few weeks ago the center in Quincy, IL closed without warning. And when I say “without warning” I mean it in the most blunt sense of the word. The employees of the center didn’t know. My mother and my sister both were victims of this scam. They were quoted prices in the beginning of $400, then told if they wanted to continue they had to buy products and there were no refunds. They were told they were going to be given professional advice from their weight loss counselors. The counselors had degrees posted on the walls. When you looked closer at these you noticed they were just high school degrees and junior college degrees. None of the employees held more than an associates degree and most of them only had a high school level education. I believe that the person whom anonymously posted, stating she was a manager, is right in that every company is out to get your money. But there’s a difference in the matter of business ethics. In my eyes, calling yourself a counselor in weight loss treatment with only a highschool degree is fraud. In a cout of law that wouldn’t be held because they aren’t putting anything behind their name (i.e. M.D., D.O. etc). There may be centers for L.A. Weight Loss that are great and help people and everyone is professional. But the majority of the centers throughout the country have come under fire and the company is forever tarnished regardless of what they change their name to. (http://www.contactbbb.org/commonreport.html?bid=110203858&language=1&bureau=&bbbid=). The company has a horrible reputation with the Better Business Bureau. So to anyone who has had problems with this company, do something about it. You can make a complaint at http://www.bbb.org.
Good Afternoon Everyone. I am so sorry to hear that the employee were layed off in an unexpected manner and that people were out hundreds to thousands of dollars.
Personally I have been on and off of the program many times. Each time that I did follow it 100% I was able to lose a considerable amount of weigght (60+ pounds). However, like anything if you go back to your old habits of course you will gain all your weight back plus some. I was so lucky to have some wonderful counselors who helped encourage me throughout my weightloss.
I started on the PUPRPLE Plan, then I was moved to the GOLD Plan. Then my last 10 pounds I was given the GREEN Plan. There may be a couple of things that you can do to while you are on the GOLD Plan. Such as eating the “Unlimited Food Choices” instead of the “LIMITED” only until you get to your goal. When I was placed on each plan I totally disregarded anything that said “LIMITED” wether it was proteins, carbs etc.. Yes it sounds boring but I kept within my unlimited range of foods even when it came to the Frozen Foods. Maybe choose the fat free milk instead of the yogurt, low-cal bread instead of cereal or other carbs, buying smaller fruit etc.. Anyone who has information that they can share with me about the plan I will share what information I have with you.
I was a trainter for LA Weight loss for 3 years and I have to say, Women who go to lose weight never read the contracts nor do they know how to say no to a product which they as a consumer have every right to do. The problem is that very few women ever followed the plan they paid for including the EXTRA products they are so angry for being pushed to buy. I had several clients who chose to buy the “Plan” and not the products they didn’t have to. They followed it they way it was meant and they LOST WEIGHT.
I did however find that there are many poeple that have other issues that need to be addressed either in conjunction with or before they utilize any plan or it will just become one more dissapointment.
Most of the weight loss companies are based on the same ideas that you eat more Protein, vegies and fruits. You keep fats, and Carbs to a minimum. The trick is learning which is which. You may think you know, but not alway. If you learn more nutirion and stick with it. ITS NEVER easy. You can do it no matter where you go.
TIP: Buy the program and as little of the companies foods as possible. Learn and use your own shopping abilities and stick with it for 4 WEEKS. YOU CAN DO IT! Don’t blame the for taking your money.
Good luck to everyone who struggles with their weight goals.
Ladies – healthy eating is a LIFESTYLE! you cannot ever expect to joint a program, lose the weight then go back to your old habbits. It’s forever! NO PROCESSED FOODS! Except on a fun ocassion, maybe. It has been proven that processed sugar is as addicting as cocain. Yes cocain! Carbs are the same they just turn to sugar then…..you want more.
You will never lose the weight or keep it off if you do not stick to a plan 100% Like the women above, she lost a lot when doing so. As apposed to the one below her who chose not to limit herself. WHY! when you pay for a program do you chose to do whatever you want. Isn’t that how you gained in the first place. I became a trainer because I lost 60lbs with them. I was a professional (modern/jazz) dancer in my younger years. I followed it to the very last day and I was sad when I was done but I went from a size 16 to a size 6 – I don’t know about you but I’m a believer to this day and I teach Yoga. I’m a size 8 but still loving it. NO PROCESSED FOOD! it’s key – Some not all women need to take some stock in themselves before starting a weight loss program.
Thanks for sharing your success story. Your knowledge and results will motivate many who read them. I read labels and was taught at a nutrition class to have 15 carbs as a max per item.
People should be upset by being swindled from this company. If you pay for a product you expects to get it. This goes for any facet in our lives. It’s plain out stealing as far as I see it.
Another tip for saving money at La Weight Loss. Buy your juice, bars, and supplements on eBay. If you do want to use the La Weight Loss supplements, you don’t have to buy them from the centers.
I love LA! It was the only weight loss plan that I was sucessful in! I brought the LA product because I like them! Nobody forced me to buy them. You could easily said no that you didn’t want to use the products. I wish that a center was near me now. They can call it whateever they would like to call it! I just know that it works great. I losted 22 lbs and 25 inches in no time! I would love to by the product now and have center and a great counselor to help me out now! LA where are you and if you have changed the name please let us know what the new name is so that I can be free to live again.
I’ve tried lots of low-fat diets for a couple of years but none of them made me feel satisfied. Although, there are lots of diets,like Atkins diet but it’s making me feel weak and unhealthy. But when I tried Medifast Diet,i feel like I’m on the right kind of diet plan. It doesn’t make me feel weak.
The caloric intake is around 800-1000 calories.It’s a bit pricey, but there are lots of coupons available on the internet
Even if you don’t pay full price.You just have to choose a diet plan which your body reacts positively.No one knows your body better than you do…
Too bad all american companies and products are scandalous, I’ve followed LA for 6 months and lost 60 pounds in Canada. They are by far the best weight loss company anyone can come across. Its the healthiest way.
I am a former employee and client of La Weight Loss. I believed in the program (which is essentially learning how to eat right) and enjoyed working with my staff and clients. I will say however that the franchise I worked for in KY/TN had shady business practices. I witness a letter from the owner of the franchise specifically telling the upper management to not hire certain types of people, pregnant included. To see that sort of discrimination in writing, it then does not surprise me that these centers shut down. Along with sub par pay (as a manger after all your hours you were making less than minimum wage) and unethical business practices I am surprised it didn’t close sooner.
So sorry to all those clients out there that were left hanging. The program does work, you don’t need your lites or tri max, just eat sensibly, follow your plan booklet, and know that you can be successful!