If you suffer from hypoglycemia or low blood sugar, you may find yourself in need of a special diet to control it. Hypoglycemia involves instances where your blood sugar can drop, sometimes to dangerous levels. When this happens you can experience a drop in energy combined with dizziness and weakness. Often the drop in blood sugar can be alleviated by eating something. However, the ultimate goal is to avoid these drops. This can be effectively accomplished through diet.

Most hypoglycemic diets recommend eating smaller meals more frequently throughout the course of the day. This helps the body maintain sugar levels better by causing a delay in the absorption of food. It is important to maintain blood sugar levels if you are hypoglycemic. If levels are not kept properly, over a period of time you can develop diabetes.

What Causes Hypoglycemia?

Low blood sugar can happen from several different causes. In diabetics it can occur when treatment, whether it be insulin shots or diabetic pills, fails to keep insulin at the right level. Low blood sugar can occur in non-diabetics as well. Sometimes the body produces too much insulin, which results in a drop in blood sugar and its accompanying symptoms. Those plagued with this affliction often spend a great deal of time searching for ways to keep their sugar levels normal. Nutritionists spend a great deal of time studying the best foods to combat these drops in blood sugar levels in order to help hypoglycemics find lasting relief.

A Diet Suited to You

One of the most important factors to consider when planning a hypoglycemic diet is individualization. This is necessary because the levels vary from person to person, as do the foods that help with the condition. In most instances, avoiding simple carbohydrates and opting for more protein and fiber are very helpful in maintaining blood sugar levels. Most nutritionists will advise you eat six small meals a day. The goal of a hypoglycemic diet is to delay the absorption of food by selecting foods that the body takes longer to process.

Foods to avoid include sugar, honey, jams and jellies and processed carbohydrates. These foods will aggravate your condition and almost always bring on a drop in your blood sugar levels. Whole grain breads and cereals as well as dried beans and peas are better as the body takes longer to break them down. Avoid drinking fruit juices, opting instead for eating fresh fruits as much as possible. High fiber foods can also be beneficial in preventing drops in blood sugar. The key is choosing the right foods and eating at more frequent intervals.

If you are considering a hypoglycemic diet, pay attention to how foods affect you. You will need to know what has the best effect so that you can determine what to eat and when. Making sure your body doesn’t have the chance to drop its blood sugar levels is the best way to keep your energy levels up while avoiding any dizzy spells. Keeping your diet suited to your needs ensures that your condition won’t become out of control and possibly develop into other health problems.

The Glycemic Index

Many nutritionists pay attention to the glycemic index of carbohydrates when suggesting diet plans for hypoglycemics. This index is crucial in determining how carbohydrates affect blood sugar levels. By learning how foods affect the body, your nutritionist can help you devise an eating plan that will be the most beneficial to your condition. By paying attention to food’s glycemic index and sticking with the lower index foods, you will have a better chance of keeping your blood sugar levels constant.

Besides limiting carbohydrates, increasing protein consumption can be beneficial in preventing drops in blood sugar levels. When planning your diet, including foods from this group will help with your goals. Protein can be a great help in regulating the insulin levels that are closely related to blood sugar. By paying careful attention to the glycemic index and taking advantage of foods that will not cause drops in blood sugar, you can devise an eating plan that will continually help you regulate your blood sugar levels.

A Diet and a Lifestyle

Being hypoglycemic can sometimes seem like a type of captivity. You are tied to your diet as much as a diabetic is tied to their insulin. However, it doesn’t have to feel this way. By choosing a hypoglycemic diet that is best suited to your body’s needs, you can take control over your life. If life gets in the way and causes you to miss a meal, having the right snack foods on hand can help you avoid drops in blood sugar. You can be the one in charge with a diet that reflects an informed choice to ensure your health for years to come.