When we fix meals it’s often hard to figure out the calories, carbs, or proteins in a serving. This can play havoc on any weight loss program you are following.
Like most women, I have more cookbooks than I care to count. Most of them never leave the bookcase. I have found it is much easier to look up a recipe online. So whether I’m looking for a low calorie, low carb or high protein recipe…it’s easy to find.
I enjoy the Betty Crocker recipe site. It is a computer friendly site making it easy to find recipes for a specific item or requirement such as low fat or low calorie. The recipes directions are easy to follow and use basic ingredients. You can rate each recipe as well as read and give a review. Each has a picture of what the finished product should look like.
How about a Chinese Pork and Pasta recipe? The recipe is for a serving of 6 with a calorie content of 255 per serving.
Another appetizing recipe is Skillet Beef & Vegetable Stew. It is a recipe for 6 servings and only takes 25 minutes to make. It has a surprisingly low calorie content of 175 per serving.
These are just a few of the low calorie recipes at the Betty Crocker site. No matter what kind of weight loss program or diet you are on, you will find something at this site that can fit your needs.
You are right indeed! It’s a world-known practice to keep all these recipe books just like our grandmothers did. The books that you actually do not use unless you definitely know what recipe you want and you know it is there. So, thank you for the links mentioned. Pretty helpful as nowadays we strive lose weight and save time… The recipes mentioned prove it’s possible. The site itself is well organized. “Easy Meal Finder” for me is a real helper. “HOW_TO” and Videos are the articles I would recommend to everybody. Good to have such a virtual chef by your side!
Thanks, those muffins sound great! I would also recommend gradually phasing in foods to replace the higher-calorie meals/snacks in your diet. Things like green tea and chili can really keep your metabolism fired up and this will result in a faster rate of fat-burning!
[…] These are just a few of the low calorie recipes at the Betty Crocker site. No matter what kind of weight loss program or diet you are on, you will find something at this site that can fit your needs. Posted by Chris | in Low-fat Recipes, Sugar Free Recipes, eating healthy, weight loss | 3 Comments » […]
You are absolutely on the true way! It’s a wide-spreaded tradition to save all these recipe diaries just like centuries ago. The diaries are unused by you untill you surely realize what meal you want to cook.
Thank you very much for the post!
The problem with just focusing on calories and the size of meals is that your body adjusts to your calorie intake level after about 2-3 weeks. So even if you do make a sacrifice and cut calories and watch your meal size your body will soon adjust it’s metabolic rate to put a stop to weight loss. Good article but you should follow up with another article on how to control your metabolism. Good Luck Everyone.