I was reading an interesting article in an older issue I saved from Woman’s World. According to Dr. Gillespie, the real key to losing weight and keeping it off is to keep your metabolism operating at a high speed. In fact, scientific studies have shown that a few simple strategies can boost your fat-burning potential by 40% or more. They’re practically sweat-free.
Metabolism booster #1: Remember your mulitivitamin.
People who take a simple multivitamin/mineral supplement daily burn 4% more than those who don’t and they tend to weight 15 pounds less.
Metabolism booster #2: Take off your sweater. Research suggests that when your body has to work a little to warm you up, it automatically burns 12% more calories than when you are warmer. If you normally keep your house at 70 degrees F, dropping it down to 68 could help you burn an extra 100 calories daily.
Metabolism booster #3: Drizzle on a little MCT oil. European doctors have proved that taking 3.4 grams of conjungated linoleic acid (CLA)–a batgyrak fatty acid found in beef, lamb and dairy products–daily could help women shed 8 solid pounds of body fat without dieting. CLA is a liver enzyme that helps countrol how quickly you burn calories, especially fat calories, for fuel. Similar to iodine supplements effect on the thyroid. MCT oil, can do the same thing. Two table spoons daily could pump up your calorie-burning power as effictively as a 30-minute run. (Wow…that seems unbelievable to me.)
Metabolism booster #4: Switch from coffee to tea. Experts say green tea is the beverage of choice for super-fast fat loss. Swiss research has revealed that besides caffeine, it is also rich in catechins, unique plant compounds that boost your metabolic rate up to 4% better than coffee and increasebrain levels of noradrenaline, a hormone that helps our body burn fat for fuel. Experts say, four cups could help you burn 80 extra calories daily. But take the concentrated, catechin-rich capsule form, and Swiss doctors say you could up our metabolic rate as much as 40%.
Metaboism booster #5: Pig out—then nibble all day long. Doctors at the University of Texas-Houston School of Public Health reported that just eating a big morning meal is so effective at kick-starting a sluggish metabolism, it helps women lose up to four pounds without dieting or exercising. Experts now recommend splitting up your lunch and dinner into four mini-meals. Everytime you eat, your metabolic rate surges 10% higher for up to 3 hours. So if you eat every two to three hours, your metaboic rate will stay 10% higher all day long.
I’ve never been one that likes taking pills. I know I have vitamins sitting around here somewhere. I’m going to start taking them making sure I document them in my journal. I’ll see if I notice a difference. I do drink green tea although I’ve been rather lax recently. I’m going to up my intake from 2 to 4 cups a day. We’ll just see. As they say, the proof is in the pudding.
i will try this! let’s see what happens. Wish me luck!
I will try some of these, though im only 22 I do care about my present and future health/fitness. I take green tea fat burner pills which help increase metabolism rates, even though my metabolism is high, I want it to be an extra 10% higher. The green tea fat burne pills contains EGCG- Clinically researched to help burn calories. It gives off an antioxidant boost and vitality boost.
If you take b6 its a vitaman. It speeds up your metabolism and if you extersise daily then you can loose twise as more. It worked for me. I tried the tips up top with my tips and i lost ALOT of weight.
I will definately try this. I hope it works. *fingers crossed*
This is how I lost weight, and I have a really slow metabolism, this is what I ate and how I exercised
Breakfast: Banana & small bowl of yogurt& water
Lunch: 10 nuts,apple & cup of green tea
Dinner: Boiled rice, 2 strips plain chicken
When serving, I also served in a smaller plate. And I chewed my food twice as much, and drank as much green tea, or water inbetween to full me up faster.
Once I was full I STOPPED eating, until my stomach rumbled. Then, I would eat again.
You can also change the fruit, if you would like.
And instead of boiled rice, you can do pasta. Remember no flavours on the chicken, = more calories.
For exercise, daily I would do a brisk walk (30 mins), and then I would do a jog (10 mins), and sprint (5 mins).
Thanks for sharing what helped you lose weight. I’m sure there will be many that give your method a try. I hope those that try this, will stop back here and let us know how it is working for them.
I tried this an it actually helped me loose 11 pounds in a month or so! Thanks for sharing these tips!
Lurel while you are loseng weight, without eating at least 4 to 6oz of protein with every meal you are losing muscle you need the right amount of carbs, good fats, and protein at every meal along with the fruit. this is what I do I am 73 and never have a problem with weight and in very good health do not take any kinds of meds. except a indigestion pill every once in a while.
Hey Chris, good tips.
Like the one about coffee to tea…Its funny that some teas actually contain more caffeine than a standard coffee. I think if i recall correctly green tea has more caffeine than coffee.
Another good tip I can add light exercise before brekkie….If you can get your heart rate up in the morning before breakfast it stimulates your metabolism and increases it….ALSO Chillies are excellent for boosting your metabolism…
Anyway cheers again for the tips…
I need to lose 60 pounds I am going on the zone diet. Tom have everything ready, l will
also implement all your ideas.
I think you can boost your metabolism by just not skipping the most important meal of the day, breakfast! For it will set he tone for the day and energizes you and gives you enough fuel to make it to the next meal.
I had always struggled to lose weight because of my slow metabolism. I managed to do it eventually but with much more effort than someone with a normal metabolism. Thanks for the tips!
Will definitely try, Thanks for your tips, i hope it works